Earthquake Rescue Operation: Dawn & Blue Sky bringing hopes to Turkey

Blue Sky(1)

On February 6, 2023, two violent 7.8-magnitude earthquakes hit Turkey. The Chinese Non-governmental organization, Dawn Emergency Rescue(DER) and Blue Sky Rescue(BSR) closely followed the disaster situation. After multiple connections with local partners and the Turkish embassy, they decided to officially launch the earthquake relief response in Turkey.


Dawn Emergency Rescue(Left) & Blue Sky Rescue(Right)

February 9, The National Dawn Relief Alliance and Blue Sky Rescue had set up an advance expert team for earthquake relief in Turkey.

“Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.” Today, we break through the language barrier by carrying out first-line rescue operations in Turkey.


About Dawn Emergency Rescue

The Rescue team has was founded in Xiamen since 2014, now has 40 teams across China with 4000 volunteers. Dawn Emergency Rescue began with 14 members, “Back then we can’t even gather enough helmets, that we had to borrow from the construction builders on the site.” As a non-profitable civic organization, Social donation is the main source to maintain the daily operation. Sometimes, sacrifice has to be made at the time of economy-intense. 2016 happened to be a year full of variety rescue missions, the finance can barely cover the expense of massive operations. The founder-Gang Wang and his wife decided to sell two property assets in purchasing rescue equipment and helping the organization to pass through this tough time.

Gang Wang is the brand initiator of Dawn Emergency Rescue, who is also a veteran with over 10 rescue certificates. Until 2023, he has participated in more than 1200 rescue operations for domestic and foreign disasters such as Wenchuan earthquake(2008) and Nepal earthquake(2015).

May 12, 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake was the first time Gang participated in rescue as a volunteer. “There was no signal, I spent 32 days in the stricken area with no contact with family.” It was a 8.0 magnitude earthquake in China, “I can’t recall the name of it, but our first destination is a damaged school. The whole building was collapsed, re-bars were exposed everywhere, floors fell overlap on each others. We worked 16 hours in that school, but there are few chances to rescue out the living one.”


Ashine & Dawn 

We met Gang and DER in 2021 when Ashine took the AEDs training from them, and we were deeply touched by the spirit of DER and Gang. Since then, Ashine have been donating financially and materially to Dawn Emergency Rescue and Blue Sky Rescue, we are very proud to have organizations like them in our community in Xiamen. 


This morning we were very glad to receive a special note from a client who is from Turkey.


As a industrial company, not only that we shall make change to the industry, but also support the good deed in the society. Let us all pray for those who suffered from the disaster, and brave ones who boat against the current.

Post time: Feb-15-2023