Ashine Staff Participate in the Xiamen Half Marathon Again


Never Give Up

Last Sunday was a wonderful day filled with inspiration, resilience, bravery, focus, and joy. The Ashine group participated in the Xiamen (Haicang) Half Marathon, and they all finished and had a great time.

Marathon spirit has long been a part of ASHINE’s corporate culture. It is the courage to push the limits, the confidence to go beyond oneself and the “never give up” perseverance. Over the years, Ashine has worked hard to push employees beyond their comfort zone, get them out of the office and into the field, and encourage them to live an active lifestyle.

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Half Marathon


The crazy hot half marathon I ever experienced. We’re lucky and all finished it. Let’s be patient with life and everything, all the beautiful things deserve your wait!


Mini Marathon


This half marathon, in my opinion, shows our Ashine people’s mindset of “working hard and living happy” in a multifaceted way. Youth is to never give up, perseverance is how we carry it out!


Running a business is a marathon, not a sprint.

Ashine has always regarded “extreme” as the pursuit of research and development and quality; in every test, Ashine strives to outperform itself, to develop and produce products of greater performance and quality. On the other hand, the goal of the marathon is to inspire employees to continue exercising, maintain good physical and mental health, and live a fulfilling life.

In the future, ASHINE will wholeheartedly provide better products and services for customers. We look forward to moving forward with customers.


Post time: Nov-15-2022